Unique agricultural landscapes
Unique agricultural landscapes have a unique agricultural character and are different from other agricultural landscapes in Catalonia. Identifying them enables us to visualise and understand the enormous diversity of agricultural and agroforestry structures in Catalonia.
This means that no agricultural area in Catalonia is the same as another, simply because the climate, the orography (mountains, valleys, plains, etc.), the dominance or variety of the crops grown, the arboreal or herbaceous vegetation found there (whether appearing in rows or mosaics), the structures and geometries of plots of land, the network of intertwining paths, the systems of terraces, the farmhouses and types of settlements, the surrounding cities, the agricultural urban peripheries they form, the built heritage, the existing landscape dynamics, the names of each place, the smells, the sounds and other sensory impressions all create unique agricultural landscapes that are characteristic of each place and nowhere else. A wide range of landscape values are attributed to these landscapes, including natural, aesthetic, historical, social-use, symbolic and productive ones.
This map is one of the results of the document Enogastronomia i paisatge. El paper dels paisatges agraris singulars en rutes enogastronòmiques (‘Wine and food and landscape: the role of unique agricultural landscapes in wine and food routes’)”.
Consulting and downloading unique agricultural landscapes of Catalonia:
(last update: september 2024)