Organisation chart

Organisation chart

According to the Constitution of the Landscape Observatory of Catalonia, the organisation chart is as follows:

Governing Board

  • President
  • Vicepresident
  • Secretary
  • 8 directors in representation of the Government of Catalonia
  • 1 representative of each of the 8 Catalan public universities
  • 1 representative of each of the 4 Catalan Counties
  • 1 representative of each of the 2 municipal associations of Catalonia
  • Mayor of Olot
  • 1 representative of each of the 9 professional societies
  • 1 representative of the Catalunya - La Pedrera Foundation

Executive Committee

  • Departament de Territori i Sostenibilitat
  • Ajuntament d’Olot
  • Diputació de Barcelona
  • Fundació Catalunya - La Pedrera
  • Col·legi d’Arquitectes de Catalunya


Administrative and technical area

Advisory Council

The Governing Board is the higher body of the Consortium of the Landscape Observatory. It assumes the governing, top management, administration, guidance and definition of the main procedures of the Consortium. The Governing Board is chaired by the Departament de Territori i Sostenibilitat (Ministry of Land and Sustainability) of the Government of Catalonia

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee is the permanent organ of administration, management and proposal, to which the Governing Board can delegate the attributions that it deems fit. The constitution establishes that the Committee has a maximum of six members and is chaired by the General Director of Spatial and Urban Planning.

Advisory Council

The Advisory Council is the consultative and advisory body of the Observatory. It is comprised of various institutions and individuals who have distinguished themselves for their association with landscape related matters.

Advisory Council
Ecological, environmental and agricultural foundations and associations
Private individuals
Dr. Georges Bertrand, professor emèrit de geografia de la Université de Toulouse Le Mirail
Sr. Eduardo Martínez de Pisón, catedràtic de geografia física de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Sr. Florencio Zoido Naranjo, catedràtic de geografia de la Universidad de Sevilla
Sr. Paolo Castelnovi, professor de la Facoltà di Architettura Politécnico di Torino
Sr. Riccardo Priore, Consell d’Europa
Sra. Maguelonne Déjeant-Pons, responsable del Conveni europeu del paisatge, Consell d’Europa
Sra. Margarita Ortega, Ministerio de Medio Ambiente
Organisations for hiking and outdoor activities
Educational and cultural organisations
Pere Sala i Martí
Administrative and technical area
Technical area
Laura Puigbert Manel·la
Jordi Grau Oliveras
Gemma Bretcha Plana
Anna Jiménez Pinatella
Administrative area
Montse Vila Vilanova
Anna Montero Teixidor