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Landscape catalogues of Catalonia. Methodology


Nogué, Joan; Sala, Pere; Grau, Jordi (2016). Els catàlegs de paisatge de Catalunya: metodologia. Olot: Observatori del Paisatge de Catalunya; ATLL, Concessionària de la Generalitat, SA. (Documents; 3). ISBN: 978-84-617-6545-4.

The landscape catalogues were created at a time in which it was essential to introduce a new culture of territorial planning based on prudent management, on a new, imaginative treatment of open space and of the landscape as a whole and on a new way of governing and of managing the territory based on dialogue and social consensus. Now, with all the landscape catalogues completed and approved by the Catalan Ministry of the Territory and Sustainability, it is the best time to explain their preparation methodology. Therefore, this publication explains and records the methodology used for preparing the seven landscape catalogues and is, at the same time, a basis and a precedent for future methodological tools.


Joan Nogué, Director of the Landscape Observatory of Catalonia
  1. Introduction

  2. Landscape catalogues of Catalonia. Concept, contents and functions

    2.1. European background and initial challenges 2.2. The concept of landscape in the catalogues 2.3. What the landscape catalogues are and what they are not 2.4. Area and scale of application 2.5. Contents and structure 2.6. Functions of the catalogues 2.7. Preparation phases 2.8. Work teams that have prepared the catalogues 2.9. Approval of the landscape catalogues 2.10. Preparation and approval of the landscape directives 2.11. Consultation process and public and social participation 2.12. The numbers of the seven catalogues 2.13. Access to the information of the landscape catalogues

  3. The landscape units

    3.1. Concept of a landscape unit 3.2. General criteria for delimiting landscape units 3.3. Variables used for delimiting landscape units 3.4. Procedure for delimiting landscape units 3.5. Name of the landscape units 3.6. Public participation in the delimiting and naming of landscape units 3.7. A country of 134 landscapes 3.8. Cartographical representation of the landscape units

  4. Characterisation and evaluation of the landscapes

    4.1. Values in the landscape 4.2. Artistic expression of the landscape 4.3. Dynamics in the landscape 4.4. Viewpoints and itineraries 4.5. Evaluation of the landscape 4.6. Special attention landscapes

  5. From characterisation to action: landscape quality objectives, criteria and actions

    5.1. What the landscape quality objectives are 5.2. Criteria and actions 5.3. Public participation in defining the landscape quality objectives, the criteria and the actions

  6. Challenges and perspectives

  7. Glossary

  8. Bibliography