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60. January-March 19
Quarterly Newsletter of the Landscape Observatory of Catalonia

Cabins, a vital space

Gilles Tiberghien
professor of Philosophy and Aesthetics, University of Paris and National Landscape School of Versalles

Nowadays, the world is evolving at an ever-increasing pace and there has been a complete change in the landscapes that notionally typify a county as a result of the economic, political and climate-related transformations they have undergone. Our traditional landscapes only exist in a certain discourse of an essentialist nature. In fact, changes have gone hand in hand with the historical evolution of all our societies since humanity changes and so does its environment. But such changes are now radical; just as radical as the reactions they arouse. [+]
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Presentation of 'Els últims paisatges. Patrimoni funerari' project
On 15 February 2019 the project “Els últims paisatges. Patrimoni funerari” [The last landscapes. Funerary heritage] will be presented in Vielha. This initiative, promoted by the Landscape Observatory in collaboration with Associació Coementerium, aims to tackle funerary heritage from a more global and integrating perspective, in relation to its environment. As part of this aim, a website has been created with, at present, data on the cemeteries of the Val d’Aran, Anoia, Alt Camp and Garraf regions, and these have been classified according to the features of their different landscapes, as well as by other aspects. The event will take place in Vielha at the Conselh Generau d'Aran at 7 pm.
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Seminar: Landscape/kW. Meanings and values of electricity landscapes
The seminar entitled "Paisatge/kW. Significats i valors dels paisatges de l’energia elèctrica" [Landscape/kW. Meanings and values of electricity landscapes] will take place at Tremp from 21 to 23 March 2019, organised by Associació Pirineus.watt, IDAPA and the Landscape Observatory. Hydroelectric energy has played a vital role in the country's industrialisation. For areas that produce hydroelectricity, such as the Pyrenees, this resulted in the biggest socio-economic transformation of the last one hundred years and had an extraordinary impact on the landscape. The immense symbolic power of Catalonia's hydroelectric facilities today has led us to discuss the new images and meanings conveyed by such landscapes.
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Landscape, agriculture and women new symposium on May
On 9 and 10 May 2019, at the Refectory Hall of the Carthusian Monastery of Escaladei (Priorat), a symposium, organised by Landscape Observatory of Catalonia, will be held, entitled "Landscape, agriculture and women", which aims to create links between landscapes, initiatives and projects around the world that work to improve the acceptance of resilient agricultural models which, based on tradition and innovation, stress system viability in line with the particular features of each region and ensure a decent life for those who live in each region and help to build it, day by day. These are models in which women play a crucial role, both in terms of everyday practical issues and also in passing on knowledge.
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Spanish translation of the book on the methodology used to produce the landscape catalogues
Given the interest shown in the publication of the book The landscape catalogues of Catalonia: Methodology, this has been translated into Spanish and is now available online from the Landscape Observatory of Catalonia's website. This is the third volume in the "Documents" collection published in 2016 in Catalan and English. The book explains the methodology used by the Landscape Observatory of Catalonia to produce its landscape catalogues.

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Water Landscapes, a book of photographs
On 19 December 2018 the book Water Landscapes, published by the Landscape Observatory of Catalonia and the company ATLL, was presented in Barcelona. Through 125 photographs taken by 44 photographers, the book explores the landscapes of Catalonia in which water plays a key role, both in the past and also in their present form, as well as in terms of social and cultural recognition and perception. The photographs show the natural and ecological importance of water, as well as its cultural, symbolic and social significance, and endorse its crucial role in any policy to manage and organise the territory and its landscapes, be it related to urban development, agriculture, forestry, tourism, heritage or education.

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Prize-giving for the photographic competition 'Paisatge Quotidià'
On 19 December 2018 the winners were announced of the photographic competition 'Paisatge Quotidià' [Everyday Landscapes]. The Observatory has two main aims for this competition: firstly, to raise awareness of everyday landscapes and, secondly, to revitalise the Observatory Image Archive, a dynamic tool to produce, share, disseminate and promote images of Catalonia's landscapes. Among the 268 photographs presented, the first prize was awarded to the work of David Sagarzazu and the second prize was for Pol Viladoms; In addition, two special mentions were granted, one to Albert Latorre and another to Katarzyna Kawczynska. [+]
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The innovative Bylaw for the Landscape of Lleida comes into force
Last November, the Plenary Session of Lleida City Council passed a Bylaw for the Landscape of Lleida, resulting from an extensive participative process and work by experts. This bylaw will come into force on 15 February 2019 and is pioneering in its joint regulation of both urban and rural environments, protecting the identity of the city and guaranteeing people's right to enjoy a pleasant, harmonious environment. The text of the Bylaw can be consulted here.

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'Water, landscape and citizenship', studied by the Council of Europe
For three days, Seville will bring together international and national experts, researchers and academics in the disciplines of cities, water management and landscape design, as well as organisations and associations that use and deal on a daily basis with water and green areas. The reason is the Council of Europe Meeting of the Workshops for the implementation of the Council of Europe Landscape Convention and the International Congress on Water, Landscape and Citizenship in the face of Global Change, to be held from 14 to 16 March.
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Digital publication to celebrate five years of the LALI
The Latin American Landscape Initiative has published another digital book entitled LALI 5 años, un fructífero caminar [LALI 5 years, a fruitful journey] to celebrate the organisation's fifth anniversary. The book collates 35 articles from various disciplines and origins so that it can be used as a basis for continuing to think, reflect, build up and raise awareness of the importance of protecting landscapes and to strengthen relations within Latin America. One of the collaborators is the director of the Landscape Observatory who has participated with a chapter. In addition to the book, a promotional campaign has also been carried out with the slogan "Everything is landscape". The aim is to raise awareness in society regarding the concept of landscape. The campaign's strategy involves disseminating four videos that can be seen here. 
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Open registrations to The Nature of Cities Summit 2019 in Paris
The Nature of Cities Summit 2019 is a first-ever gathering where thought leaders from communities of practice, policy, and academia come together to discuss the nature of cities—green and biodiverse urban landscapes that are better for both people and nature. TNOC Summit will be a gathering unlike any before in its commitment to convening diverse voices and actors in support of propelling a movement for collaborative green and transdiscipinary cities. The Nature of Cities is an international platform for transdisciplinary dialogue and urban solutions. We facilitate the sharing of diverse, transformative ideas about cities as ecosystems of people, nature, and infrastructure. We are committed to the design and creation of better cities for all: cities that are resilient, sustainable, livable, and just. More information here.
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The art of dry stone walling is declared of Intangible Cultural Heritage by UNESCO
The art of dry stone walling has been inscribed on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO. A joint application was presented in 2017 by eight European countries: Cyprus, Greece, Croatia, Slovenia, Switzerland, Italy, France and Spain. The art of dry stone walling concerns the techniques and knowhow related to making stone constructions by stacking together stones from the immediate vicinity, without using any other material to join them, such as lime or chalk. At present, almost 19,000 dry stone constructions have been counted in Catalonia, according to the Wikipedra inventory coordinated by the Landscape Observatory.
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Re-Enchanting Terraces
The 4th World Congress of the ITLA - Terraced Landscapes, which will be held from 13 to 22 March in the Canary Islands, is an international event that brings together local people, who have inherited rural cultures, with professionals and scientists from a range of disciplines and locations in the world. The aim is to diagnose the state of conservation of these locations and produce proposals and actions for their development, as part of a clear commitment to their future. You can consult the programme here.

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The University of Valencia debates civil society and landscape
On 8 November 2018, at the Faculty of Geography and History of the University of Valencia, a seminar was held entitled “Societat civil i paisatge. Paisatge i participació ciutadana" [Civil society and landscape. Landscape and citizen participation], attended by over sixty people. The seminar was organised by the Chair of Citizen Participation and Valencian Landscapes, the Vice-Deanship of Territorial Projection and Society of the University of Valencia, the Centre for Landscape Knowledge, and the Ministry for Housing, Public Works and Territorial Organisation of the regional government of Valencia. This seminar was based on the premise that the multidisciplinary processes of citizen participation represent a fundamental aspect of the new focuses of science in general and of the disciplines that work with landscape in particular.
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He caminat tots els carrers d'Olot, digital version
On 29 November 2018, the book He caminat tots els carrers d'Olot [I've walked all the streets of Olot], by the artist Clara Nubiola, was presented at Can Trincheria in Olot. The book contains the illustrations exhibited in Olot from 10 February to 7 March 2018, produced by the artist during her time at the Residència Faber. For five days Clara Nubiola decided to walk down all the streets in Olot: every morning, with a notebook, pen and camera, she would go out and walk around a certain area, creating a subjective, experiential and distinctly unscientific narrative of the city. The book is available from the website.
Territoris pel Paisatge
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Second phase of participation to draw up the Landscape Charter for the county of Conca de Barberà
Last November the second participative phase was carried out to draw up the Landscape Charter for the county of Conca de Barberà. The aim is for people and organisations in the county to strengthen their ties with the Conca's landscape. Sessions were held in various local towns which were open to any individual or organisation concerned with managing or protecting landscapes, as well as those wishing to take on more responsibility in this area, even when not directly involved.
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Guía digital del Patrimonio Cultural en Andalucía
This Guide provides information on Andalusia's cultural heritage as a result of the documentation work carried out by the IAPH over its almost 30 years of history. It includes information on movable and intangible heritage, properties and cultural landscapes, as well as other content such as cultural routes, images, multimedia products, etc.
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Observatorio del Paisaje de la Universidad de Costa Rica
The Landscape Observatory of Costa Rica University is a centre for reflection, thought and action that generates and disseminates information in order to help decision-making and promote the transformation of landscapes.
Arxiu d'Imatges
Observatori del Paisatge de CatalunyaObservatori del Paisatge de CatalunyaObservatori del Paisatge de Catalunya
Claudia MisteliBrian RosaEsther Celma Fe
Esther Celma FeEsther Celma FeObservatori del Paisatge de Catalunya
Paisatges de Catalunya
Rafael Lopez-Monné (text), Marta Casals (il·lustracions). [Sant Cugat del Vallès]: Símbol Editors, 2018. ISBN: 978-84-15315-52-0.

From Canigó to the Ebro Delta, from the plain of Lleida to the Medes islands, Catalonia has a wide range of landscapes, making it a diverse country in many aspects. Twenty landscapes of Catalonia that also tell twenty different stories. Geology, natural phenomena and actions carried out by men and women have ended up creating the landscapes we all admire today.
Atlante dei paesaggi riciclati
Michela de Poli, Guido Incerti. Milà: Skira, 2014. ISBN: 978-88-572-1148-0.

The aim of this book is to provide thoughts on the recovery and reinvention of landscapes as a new way of using territory. 57 international projects are presented in total, organised by the territory recovered, describing the results and advantages achieved.
Escuchar y transformar la ciudad: urbanismo colaborativo y participación ciudadana
Paisaje Transversal. Madrid: Fundación Arquia; Los Libros de la Catarata, 2018. ISBN:978-84-9097-546-6.

Based on theoretical reflections, this book explains how to "listen and transform the city" and looks at several case studies on new urban development and architectural models at three different scales: public space, the city and its districts, and the territory.

The Role of Low Carbon, Spatial Quality and Drawings in Landscape-based Regional Strategies
Anastasia  Nikologianni. Thesis for the degree of Doctor Philosophy, Birmingham City University, 2017.

Through several case studies from Catalonia, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom, the author has examined the processes and best sustainable practices for managing territory and how to incorporate the concepts of low carbon content and spatial quality, from design right up to implementation
Note: This newsletter is an initiative of the Landscape Observatory. If you wish to subscribe and receive it by e-mail please click here.
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