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52. January-March 17
Quarterly Newsletter of the Landscape Observatory of Catalonia

New geographies in the Mediterranean landscape

Maria Gabriella Trovato
Landscape Assistant Professor, Landscape Design and Ecosystem Management Department, American University of Beirut

Every day, millions of people leave their countries in search for better chances in life. According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), five years after the war started in Syria, 11 million refugees have fled across borders. 4.8 million escaped to Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, and Iraq, 6.6 million are displaced within Syria, and more than 212,000 people are trapped in besieged areas without access to humanitarian assistance. [...]
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New publication on the methodology implemented in preparation of the landscape catalogues
The new book The Landscape Catalogues of Catalonia. Methodology is intended to provide any interested person with the methodology used by the Landscape Observatory of Catalonia in the preparation of the landscape catalogues. And it does so after reaching the important milestone of having seven landscape catalogues approved by the Department of Planning and Sustainability.
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Video on landscape
The newspaper La Vanguardia has produced a video on landscape with the collaboration of the ATLL, Concession Collaborator of the Catalan Government. The video shows the general public the existing diversity of landscapes, from every day to exceptional landscapes, as well as their importance. Highlights the project, that is in preparation, of the archive of images of the Landscape Observatory of Catalonia.
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International Conference on Landscape Observatories
LandschappenNL set up a Landscape Observatory in the Netherlands. In order to exchange of experiences between Landscape Observatories in Europe, LandschappenNL organises an International Conference on Landscape Observatories (Amersfoort, 8-10 February) in co-operation with UNISCAPE and CIVILSCAPE, and with the Network of the Dutch Provinces (IPO) and the National Cultural Heritage Agency (RCE).
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France is interested in landscape policies in Catalonia
A delegation of the Ministry of Ecology and Sustainable Development of the French government visited the Observatory on 1 February to learn about the landscape policies in Catalonia. The case of Catalonia is considered exemplary and inspiring for a new landscape policy in France. The delegation also met landscape initiatives of the Priorat region, the periurban landscape of La Pletera (Torroella de Montgrí) and the Tudela project (Cap de Creus).

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A new study identifies 169 border viewpoints in Cerdanya
The Border Landscape Plan of Cerdanya has the new document Puntos de observación del paisaje de la Cerdanya / Points de observation diciembre paysages de Cerdaña (Landscape Observations Points of Cerdanya). The document also includes a map that identifies, characterizes and highlights 169 landscape viewpoints with scenic quality that are both recognized and valued by the population and local stakeholders, and putting on the table strategies and measures that the councils and other entities of the Cerdanya can use. [+]
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The book Landscape, Heritage and Water in digital format
The book Landscape, Heritage and Water jointly published with ATLL, Concession Collaborator of the Government and the Landscape Observatory, is now available in digital format. This is the fourth volume of the series "Reflexions" from the collection "Plecs de Paisatge" and it includes the results of the self-titled seminar, which was held in November 2015 in Barcelona. [+]
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The historic characterisation study on the landscape Priorat-Montsant-Siurana is now on the PaHisCat website
The project's website has incorporated the project PaHisCat "Historic Characterization of the Landscape Priorat-Montsant-Siurana". This study is part of the preliminary work for the preparation of the application dossier for the UNESCO "Priorat-Montsant-Siurana, Agricultural Landscape of the Mediterranean Mountains", promoted by the Regional Council of the Priorat, the Council of Tarragona and the Prioritat association. [+]
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Exhibition at the MOT Festival
For the fourth consecutive year, the Landscape Observatory will participate in the MOT Literature Festival in Girona - Olot, with the organization of the exhibition "Landscape, History and Literature" which can be seen from march 15 to April 30 at Can Trincheria, Olot. The exhibition is comprised of photographs taken by students of the Art School of Olot, based on fragments from literary texts of authors who will take part in the 2017 MOT.
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Results of the meeting on dry stone in the north of Catalonia
The Catalan Pyrenees Regional Natural Park has published the results of the "Meeting on Catalan Dry Stone" held in April of 2016. During the three days, several aspects related to the heritage value of dry stone constructions were brought forward, and the role of the construction technique of dry stone buildings and the new challenges of the profession of the stone workers (margers) were also pointed out. [+]
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Roger Serrat-Calvó in the gallery of images from the Observatory website
Roger Serrat-Calvó is the new photographer illustrating the cover of the Landscape Observatory web and thus will form part of the gallery of images from the Observatory. The photographs selected are part de diverse projects such as Leisure time and The Other Landscape, among others. [+]
The connecting landscape

Advisory report of the Council for the Environment and Infrastructure of the Netherlands which places the landscape at the hearth of the new environmental and planning policy. November 2016.

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Centre de ressources des Parcs naturels régionaux de France
The French Natural Parks Resource Centre provides access to publications related to the parks, to an image archive and a video library. The site includes a search engine and the documents can be viewed and downloaded.
Ambient, territori i paisatge: valors i valoracions
Folch, Ramon: Bru, Josepa. Barcelona: Editorial Barcino, 2016. ISBN: 978-84-7226-878-4.

The authors have faced the challenge of writing about a subject that seems as ethereal and subtle: values. Not in the abstract way, but in relation with another complex issue, that is as material and extensive as the territory itself and its perceptible expression, the landscape.
Atlas Arqueolóxico Da Paisaxe Galega
Criado, Felipe; Parcero, César; Otero, Carlos; Cabrejas, Elena (eds.). Vigo: Edicións Xerais de Galicia, 2016. ISBN: 978-84-9121-048-1.

The archaeological atlas of landscapes of Galicia is an ensemble piece based on the characterisation and classification of the different kinds of cultural landscapes that accompanied each on the stages of Prehistoric times in Galicia, from the Neolithic to the Medieval period.
Microcatalunya, un viatge pels pobles més petits
Serena, Marc; Bayer, Edu. La Bisbal d'Empordà: Edicions Sidillà, 2016. ISBN: 978-84-945041-3-6.

This book arose from authors' project, which in 2014 led them to travel around the Catalonian villages of less than 500 inhabitants, taking as a reference the book Catalunya visió, by Josep Vallverdú and Ton Sirera.
Obnova krajiny česko-německého pohraničí = Wiederbelebung der deutsch-tschechischen Grenzlandschaft = Renewal of Czech-German border landscape
Salzmann, Klára; et al. Praga: Astron Studio, 2015. ISBN: 978-80-905944-8-7.

The work includes projects submitted by the restoration of landscape of the Czech-German border, using the village Výškovice as a model. The area was depopulated in just over 30 years and the landscape, abandoned.
Note: This newsletter is an initiative of the Landscape Observatory. If you wish to subscribe and receive it by e-mail please click here.
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