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72. January-March 22
Quarterly Newsletter of the Landscape Observatory of Catalonia

Border Landscapes

Valerià Paül
Associate Professor of Geography at the University of Santiago de Compostela

As is known, Tuan(1) proposed the terms topophilia and topophobia to refer to the opposite poles of our affective and emotional relationship with the environment. I must confess that I have felt profound topophobias in Bethlehem and Ciudad Juárez. In the former, at one of the many walls that Israel has built illegally inside the West Bank to encapsulate Palestinian towns and hamper the mobility of the people who live there; crossing it becomes unbearable, no matter your background. [+]
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Landscape catalogue published for L'Alt Pirineu and Aran
This landscape catalogue, the seventh published by the Observatory, completes the inventory of Catalonia's landscapes. Publication of the catalogue has been possible thanks to the support given by the Ministry of the Vice-Presidency, Digital Policies and Territory, Lleida Provincial Council and the Institute for the Development and Promotion of L'Alt Pirineu and Aran. The book updates the landscape catalogue approved eight years ago and provides a comprehensive overview of the diversity of landscapes, their values, dynamics and also future challenges.
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The Grand Tour of Catalonia map includes 33 roads of landscape interest defined by the Observatory
The Grand Tour map, created by the Catalan Tourist Board, includes 33 roads of landscape interest defined by the Observatory. The original routes of old roads, sometimes relegated to minor roads, invite us to travel at a slower pace, taking in the scenery and the features of the landscape. With their light traffic, Catalonia's landscape roads offer an ideal complement for any road trip project; the routes can be followed by car or bicycle and show the extraordinary richness and diversity of Catalonia's landscapes.
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UNISCAPE launches the Manifesto on the future of the European landscape
At the occasion of the 20th Anniversary of the Florence Convention, during the Conference “Cultivating Continuity of the European Landscape” (16-17 October 2020), the European network of universities UNISCAPE initiated the process of building the Manifesto on the future of the European landscape, which was finally launched in November 2021. The Manifesto begins by stating that “the goals of the Florence Convention are more valid than ever”, and addresses all of European society, with special emphasis on governmental bodies at international, national, regional and local level, committed to a responsible future evolution of Europe and the European community. It has three priority areas: Making Europe: A place for everyone; Landscape as mediator: Tackling societal and environmental challenges; Landscape knowledge: Better decisions – better outcomes), and ends with the section “Actioning the Florence Convention”.
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The Terra, Teca, Traca Festival proposes a rich dialogue on rural life between artists, scientists and farmers
Through seven artistic residencies organised in different parts of rural Catalonia, the Terra, Teca, Traca Festival project proposes a reflection on the present and future of the rural world and agrifood systems in the face of global changes and on the defence of agroecology and food sovereignty through interaction between farmers, livestock breeders, fishermen, artists and scientists. Commemorating Barcelona's year as World Sustainable Food Capital in 2021, the project was presented on 21 November at the CCCB (Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona), and during the following week, at seven more venues in the city. The Festival included visual, musical, literary and dance exhibitions, talks and debates. The project is coordinated by the University of Girona, the Open University of Catalonia (UOC) and the journal Sobirania Alimentària (Food Sovereignty).
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Pyrenees, farmers and landscape, looking to the future
What changes will the Pyrenean landscape undergo in the future? On 28 October, the documentary Pyrenees, farmers and landscape, looking to the future was presented at Tremp. Sponsored by Gratitud Pallars, its goal is to give voice to the farming people of the Pyrenees, to tell us how they see the future of rural life in their region and in which they talk about their situation, ideas, opinions and dreams in a global context of uncertainty where food production and food sovereignty will be crucially important. According to the video's sponsors, "the Pyrenean landscape would not be what it is without the farmers who have shaped it over the centuries to create what we know today. A landscape and a heritage that form part of the Pyrenees' identity and which are essential for sustainable tourism". Gratitud Pallars is a project promoted by the Western Pyrenees Leader Consortium and the Marques de Pastor Association with the aim of improving and restoring local biodiversity, landscapes and heritage.
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The 'Cel·la nòmada' exhibition proposes a debate on prison and landscape
Within the framework of the "Cel·la nòmada" (Nomad cell) exhibition, presented by the architect and photographer Adrià Goula at the H20 gallery in Barcelona, a debate on prison and landscape took place on 10 December between the architects Carles Llop and Jon Tugores and the director of the Landscape Observatory, Pere Sala. The entrance to the cell where Adrià Goula's grandfather was imprisoned marks his starting point for investigating the collective memories that have accumulated there, together with family and personal memories. Using the lines marked in the cell, the author explores the relationships that emerge between built and lived, between the physical objects that surround us and the memories they generate. An exhibition that invites us to reflect on the cell as a space and on Barcelona's Model prison in different formats (photography, collage, frottage, video, drawing, etc.), alongside certain installations on the landscape that function as a cathartic act with respect to this past.
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Reflection on 'Landscape' in the Vers d'Arquitecturia project
The Vers d'Arquitecturia project, which consists of a series of conversations to reflect on contemporary topics in creativity, now includes the publication of the project's fifth chapter, devoted to landscape. In this chapter, Oriol Villar, Nandu Jubany, Olga Felip, Bibiana Ballbè and Pere Sala, the Observatory's director, talk about landscape. You can find all the material related to this project here.
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Landscape Observatory director interviewed by the UOC
Interviewed the Landscape Observatory of Catalonia's director, Pere Sala, about this organisation's functions, the meaning of the notion of landscape, and the landscape units of Catalonia and the catalogues. This interview is a teaching resource to explain what the Observatory is and what it does.
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The Spanish Association of Landscape Architects invites the Observatory to a debate on career training and professional practice in the 21st century
In partnership with IFLA Europe, the Spanish Association of Landscape Architects held its first international congress in Granada on 20-22 October 2021, under the title 'Landscape here and now'. The goal was to create a meeting point for communication and debate to move forward together in the collective search for answers to the challenges affecting landscapes and the people who live in them, and explore the methodological and instrumental systems and processes that the study of the landscape contributes as part of the response to the planet's environmental crisis. In his closing address, José Tito, chair of the Scientific Committee, presented the congress's conclusions and read the Granada Manifesto, which defends the role of landscape professionals.

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The 3rd Civil Society and Landscape Seminar analyses two decades of the European Convention in Spain
On 1 and 2 December, the Seminar brought together a large number of technical experts, landscape managers and specialists from different universities in Valencia to learn and share how the principles and values of the European Landscape Convention have been materialising in different parts of Spain and to discuss the successes, weaknesses and, above all, the future challenges, now that 21 years have passed since the Convention was signed. The Landscape Observatory took part in a round table with representatives from the various autonomous regions. The seminar was organised by the Office of the Vice-President of Territorial Projection and Society, the University of Valencia's Citizen Participation and Valencian Landscape Chair, and the Valencian Government's Ministry of Territorial Policy, Public Works and Mobility. [+]
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Support for land stewardship in Palma de Mallorca
Agricultural Park in the northern part of Palma seeks to achieve territorial balance in this area, subject to considerable pressure for urban development, and achieve alternative progress through innovation in agriculture. The citizen association Palma XXI wishes to contribute to the development of the Palma North Agricultural Park through land stewardship agreements with the active involvement of residents, farmers, and society as a whole. According to statements made by Palma XXI, the Agricultural Park is an important tool which must be promoted for its role in regard to agriculture (as a source of food), environment (as an adaptation to the effects of climate change) and identity (for its landscape, historical and cultural significance).
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Perejaume Archive
For more than four decades, the artistic production of Perejaume has been recorded in a physical archive. The digital platform, Arxiu Perejaume, is a project that began to gestate in 2016 out of the need to digitalise the content of the archive. Once this process had been initiated, the idea of transforming what until then had been a tool for private use, functional in nature, into an online platform for consultation, promotion and generation of knowledge began to take form. Once completed, it will be possible to consult 180 of the most significant works by Perejaume.
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Série Memórias do Futuro
Memories of the Future is a project from Paisagens Híbridas born from the interest in highlighting contemporary artistic production from Artists linked to different fields of activity. The purpose of this movement is to build plural dialogues between Art, Culture, Society and Heritage.

Arxiu d'Imatges Catàleg de paisatge de l'Alt Pirineu i Aran
Jordi BasOriol ClaveraOriol Clavera
Observatori del PaisatgeJordi SalinasOriol Clavera
Jordi SalinasRafael López-MonnéObservatori del Paisatge
Els marges dels mapes: una geografia desplaçada
Àlex Matas Pons. València: Tres i Quatre, 2021. ISBN: 978-84-17469-34-4.

This book, winner of the Joan Fuster Essay October Award 2020, pushes our conceptual limits through the analysis of the works of different writers, and follows a geographical itinerary from La Franja (Catalan-speaking Aragon) in the west to the Besòs River in the east and the Pyrenees in the north. It is in this displaced geography that we can understand how time interweaves with space and how history, preserved where it would seem to have been erased, is always present.
La Convenzione Europea del Paesaggio vent'anni dopo (2000-2020). Ricezione, criticità, prospettive
Martina Frank; Myriam Pilutti Namer (eds.). Venecia: Edizioni Ca' Foscari, 2021. ISBN: 978-88-6969-563-6. Available here.

Taking an interdisciplinary, comparative approach, this volume compiles the results of critical thinking about the impact and effects of the European Landscape Convention from a social, environmental, legal, architectural, archaeological and management viewpoint, and presents a broad selection of theoretical and research essays, critical observations, and case studies. One of the book's contributors is the director of the Landscape Observatory, Pere Sala i Martí.
Paysages et énergies: Une mise en perspective historique
Sylvain Allemand. París: Hermann; École nationale supérieure de paysage, 2021. ISBN: 979-1-0370-0378-2.

The book proposes a journey through the history of the relationships between energies and landscapes, seen through many eyes: historians, geographers, philosophers, sociologists... These perspectives reveal how the energy transition of the 21st century is opening a new chapter in this fascinating story, with a daunting challenge: to reinvent a desirable energy landscape to better reduce our consumption and produce more healthily.
La enseñanza e investigación del paisaje en Sudamérica
Lucas Períes, Gloria Aponte García, Alessandro Filla Rosaleni (eds.). Córdoba: Universidad Católica de Córdoba, 2021. ISBN: 978-987-48328-0-1. Available here.

A compilation of the abstracts of the talks given at the 3rd Landscape Education and Research Meeting: the art and science of landscape in South America. The book features an interdisciplinary view of the landscape from numerous perspectives and provides access to the videos in which the corresponding studies are presented.
Le droit au paysage
Nicolas Gascoin (dir.). Blois: INSA; Éditions de la Villete, 2021. ISBN: 978-2-37556-036-5.

The publication avoids focusing the debate on aesthetics or leisure; the right to landscape hypothesis proposes that we are part of unique, unstable places. Faced with present-day catastrophes, the struggle to broaden the legal scope intensifies. We must review together the collective organisation of inhabited landscapes and the socialisation of fundamental rights. The approach must be systematic and cross-cutting.
Paisaje cultural
Carmen Caro Jaurielguizo (coord.). Monographic of the magazine Patrimonio Cultural de España, num. 12. Available here.

This monograph provides a general overview of how Spain's landscapes have changed in the last 25 years. All the changes made through transformative policies and factors are analysed, but it also addresses other issues related to the evolution in the perception of the landscape or the significant role played by the new documentation techniques.
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