Logo Observatori del Paisatge
58. July-Septembre 18
Quarterly Newsletter of the Landscape Observatory of Catalonia

We are the landscape people

Luc-Emile Bouche-Florin
President of CIVILSCAPE

CIVILSCAPE is a European non-governmental organization involved in the landscape issues. CIVILSCAPE is organized as a network of 132 civil society organizations, professional organisations, landscape observatories etc. dedicated to landscape issues and touching directly about four million people all over the European continent. [+]
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Launch of Penedès Landscape Catalogue
The Landscape Observatory of Catalonia is coordinating this catalogue, which will provide extensive information about the Penedès landscape and help us to think, all together, about how we want it to be in the future. One of the main mechanisms available to citizens to participate in the Penedès Landscape Catalogue is a non-line survey featuring questions about people’s individual relationships with their landscape. You can access the survey through the paisatgepenedes.cat Catalogue website or by clicking here.
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Upload your photo to the Observatory's image archive
Since November 2017, the Image Archive of the Landscape Observatory is in operation, a dynamic and collaborative tool that gathers digital images of contemporary Catalan landscapes. One of the characteristics that differentiate it from other archives is the fact that it is collaborative: anyone can upload images that are validated subsequently by the Observatory. The archive is constantly updated and at this time one of the new features is the photo gallery called "Traçats". You can also follow its instagram account: @arxiucatpaisatge.
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Tenth European Landscape Biennial
On 26, 26.27 and 28 September, Barcelona will host the tenth European Landscape Biennial, which provides an opportunity to analyse and debate landscape initiatives. These range from initiatives based on landscape architecture to those based on other disciplines, connected to landscape research and evolution. Throughout the three days of the symposium, there will be presentations by the finalists of the Rosa Barba International Landscape Award, conferences, talks and round-table debates.
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The Low Carbon Society Project comes to an end
The Landscape Observatory of Catalonia took part in the ERASMUS+ project called "Towards Low Carbon Society”. The project lasted for three years and was promoted by academic institutions and local, regional and national organisations in Finland, Poland and Catalonia. The project’s goal was to explore aspects that should be included in university programmes to train professionals on managing landscape with low carbon resources. The project was completed in June. The full documentation generated throughout this time can be consulted on the website.

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Wikiallee, a catalogue of tree line planted roads
Wikiallee is a collaborative web space, seeking to build among all, a catalogue of the tree line planted roads in Europe. It is a project dealing with recognition of landscape heritage, which characterizes and gives identity to the European territory; driven by the collaboration among the Landscape Office of the Colegio de Arquitectos de Cataluña and the Villa LeNôtre program. The website allows you to upload your case study specifying location and their specific characteristics thanks to a technical data sheet with photographs and sketches.
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Landscape scholarships of Fondazione Benetton Studi Ricerche
For the fourth consecutive year, the Fondazione Benetton Studi Ricerche has opened a call for annual funding submissions for projects related to landscape, and, in particular Landscape Theory and Policy, inspired by the philosopher Rosario Assunto. Projects can be submitted until 31 August, and funding will be provided from 1 January 2019 until 31 December 2019. More information here.
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Photography exhibition at Tarragona School of Art
The photography exhibition “Traçats”, the result of a collaboration between the Landscape Observatory of Catalonia and the  Tarragona School of Art can be visited as part of the  “Roads in the Landscape” seminar organised by the Landscape Observatory of Catalonia and the Secretariat of Infrastructure and Mobility of the Catalan Ministry of Territory and Sustainability. The exhibition will be open from 5 July until 31 August.
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13 sets of wine vats certified Cultural Assets of National Interest
The Catalan Government has approved the certification of thirteen sets of wine vats, on vineyards in several municipalities of Valls de Montcau, as cultural assets of ethnological interest, in the category of Areas of Ethnological interest. This unique heritage is connected with an area of landscape that has a long grape-growing tradition, mainly in the 18th and 19th centuries, but documented from the Middle Ages.
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Law approved in Andorra to preserve environment, biodiversity and landscape.
In May, the Andorran Government passed the Environmental Conservation Law Project on biodiversity and landscape. It is the first legal text regarding environmental protection, biodiversity and landscape in Andorra. The text recognises landscape as an essential component of its inhabitants’ living environment. It also establishes the authorities’ general responsibility to formulate policies that enhance landscape preservation and conservation.
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UNESCO declares Conca de Tremp and Montsec a World Geopark
Conca de Tremp - Montsec becomes the second geopark in Catalonia, consisting of 19 municipalities and 4 regions. This distinction recognises the area’s rich geological and palaeontological contents and its natural, historical and cultural heritage. The geopark symbol does not represent an official seal of protection but is, rather, UNESCO’s recognition of a heritage management model that acts as a driver of local and sustainable development, involving local communities at all times.
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Sections of Cerdanya cross-border landscape map now available for download
The Cerdanya cross-border landscape map is a central element of the Landscape Plan. It is published in hard and digital format, bilingually (Catalan and French). It pinpoints the valley’s main values and future strategies in relation to landscape. The map is available for download and, from now on, the different sections of the map can also be downloaded in shapefile format.
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Plan approved to protect and rehabilitate traditional shepherds' huts in Aran
The Val D’Aran’s Territorial Urban Planning Commission has definitively approved a modification to subsidiary planning regulations that govern the municipalities of Arres, Bausen, Bossòst, Es Bòrdes, Canejan, Les, Vielha e Mijaran, Vilamò and Naut Aran, in order to protect and facilitate the rehabilitation of traditional farming constructions and shepherds’ huts. The Alt Pirineu i Aran Landscape Catalogue identified these constructions as one of the main defining features of the area’s landscape.
Territoris pel Paisatge
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Conclusions and work plan of the Conca de Barberà Landscape Charter
On 8th June, the conclusions and the work plan for the coming months of the landscape charter of the region were presented to the Consell Comarcal de la Conca de Barberà. The writing of the Landscape Charter is an active and lively process that will be organized by phases so as to maintain continuous work. The Charter is one of the objectives included in the Strategic Development Plan of Conca de Barberà 2018-2025.
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Second Landscape Day at Escaladei
On 17 June, Escaladei hosted the second Landscape Day. Organised by the Priorat-Montsant-Siurana Commission of Landscape and Sustainability, and open to the general public, the event promoted participation. Its objective was to give a status update on the UNESCO candidature and explain the deployment of the Landscape Management System currently being implemented.

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La Conca 5.1
The digital area La Conca 5.1 specialises in wine, enotourism, territory, landscape, tourism, gastronomy, agriculture, local development and society. This tool aims to analyse and promote these sectors in Catalonia.

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App BCN Paisatge
Created by the Municipal Institute of Urban Landscape in Barcelona, the BCN Paisatge app shows elements of urban landscape in the city, categorised by Party walls (Anonymous and forgotten walls, facades transformed into unique elements that give meaning to their social and cultural environment), Shops and Landscapes. It aims to help both residents and tourists discover outstanding features of, and places in, Barcelona.
Arxiu d'Imatges Traçats
Omar ZbariZhulian Valeriev IvanovArnau Fernandez
Elia LópezAriadna LucenaEsther Reverté
Aina TorrentsAngie RugelesIrene Castrillo
Yi-Fu Tuan el arte de la geografía
Nogué, Joan (ed.). Barcelona: Icaria, 2018. (Espacios Críticos; 11). ISBN: 978-84-9888-815-7.

More than a geographer, Yi-Fu Tuan is a humanist who unifies Eastern and Western traditions. The most acclaimed advocate of what has been termed humanistic geography, Tuan perseveres to understand how humans relate to their surroundings, create places, give meaning to geographical space and generate identity of place.
Conflicte entre el paisatge i l'energia eòlica
Saladié, Sergi. Lleida: Pagès editors, 2018. ISBN: 978-84-9975-976-0.

This book looks at the two-fold process of implementing renewable and green energies, and replacing current fossil fuels, which are causing climate change. It also explains their relationship with the territory, particularly the southern regions of Catalonia, which contributes to a deeper understanding of landscapes in the south of Catalonia.
Terra de lletres. El paisatge de Catalunya en 60 visites literàries
Llavina, Jordi. Barcelona: Comanegra, 2018. ISBN: 978-84-17188-28-3.

Terra de lletres takes the reader on a journey through sixty texts that have been selected and presented by Jordi Llavina, to create the most well-balanced and proportionate literary map possible. A literary perusal of Catalonia, this book brings together some of the leading authors who have shaped the imagery of Catalonia’s towns and cities.
Avenues in Europe. Yesterday, today and tomorrow
Brückmann, Katharina (ed.). [S.l.]: Norddeutsche Stiftung für Umwelt und Entwicklung, 2015. 

To publicise the significance of natural, cultural and landscape heritage throughout Europe, this publication describes the current situation, history and conservation activities being implemented to protect tree-lined roads and avenues in a range of European countries. Available here.
El paisaje: reflexiones y métodos de análisis
Sunyer Martín, Pere; Checa-Artasu, Martín (coord.). Ciudad de México: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, 2017. ISBN: 978-607-28-1169-0.

This book, pioneering in Mexico, brings together a selection of experts who show the reader methods to analyse landscape. It seeks to make landscape analysable to understand changes in territory and its relationship with people.
Catálogo del paisaje del río Suquía en la ciudad de Córdoba
Períes, Lucas; et al. Córdoba (Argentina): EDUCC, 2016. ISBN: 978-987-626-320-7.

This catalogue highlights the tangible and intangible resources of the landscape surrounding the River Suquia as it wends its way through Córdoba (Argentina). It describes the landscape’s character and values with a view to establishing landscape quality guidelines.
Note: This newsletter is an initiative of the Landscape Observatory. If you wish to subscribe and receive it by e-mail please click here.
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